Physics                                       Models                                        Results


Orbits, Satellites, Rockets


F = m ∙ p’’


Fg = G ∙ m1 ∙ m2 / r2




bodies in freefall

p’’ = G ∙ m2 / r2



Apollo trajectory

Juno trajectory



Electrical Circuits


vR = i ∙ R

vC’ = i / C

iL’ = V / L


low-pass filter

iL’ = (vSvC)/L

vC’ = ( iL + (vS -  vC/R))/C


Rigid Body Dynamics


F = m ∙ p’’

Г = I ∙ a’’

Fs = - k ∙ p

Fd = - m ∙ v

Fl = 0.5 ∙ d ∙ v2 ∙ s ∙ CL

auto suspension

VEX robot

ia’=(va - R×ia - Kb× w)/L


w’ =  ( Km× ia   - B× w )/ J

airplane simulator




Heat Transfer


q = - k ∙ (∂T / ∂x, ∂T / ∂y)

T = (1/c)  ∙ heat energy / vol.


time-dependent heat transfer

∂T/ ∂t = C∙(∂2T/ ∂x2, ∂2T/ ∂y2)

The Wave Equation


F = m ∙ p’’




 vibrating string

2u / ∂2t = C∙∂2u/∂x


vibrating surface

2u / ∂2t = C∙(∂2u/∂x, ∂2u/∂y) 


Stress and Strain





Fluid Dynamics


F = m ∙ p’’

Г = I ∙ a’’

Reynold’s Transport Thrm

t = F / A = m (v/L)





Navier-Stokes Equations




Maxwell’s Equations



electromagnetic radiation model = Maxwell’s equations